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Understanding the GNU General Public License (GPL)

WordPress Toolwaly releases all our themes and plugins under the GNU General Public License (GPL). We believe in the philosophy of open-source software and want to ensure that our customers understand what GPL means, its benefits, and any potential limitations. This guide aims to explain GPL in a clear and positive manner, helping you appreciate the value it brings to your WordPress experience.

What is the GNU General Public License (GPL)?

The GNU General Public License (GPL) is a widely used free software license that guarantees end users the freedom to run, study, share, and modify the software. Originally written by Richard Stallman for the GNU Project under the Free Software Foundation, the GPL embodies the core values of open-source software. The key freedoms granted by the GPL include:

  • Freedom to Use: You can use the software for any purpose.
  • Freedom to Study and Modify: You can study how the software works and change it to make it do what you wish.
  • Freedom to Distribute Copies: You can redistribute copies of the original software to help others.
  • Freedom to Distribute Modified Versions: You can distribute copies of your modified versions to others, ensuring that the freedoms granted by the GPL are preserved.

Benefits of GPL for Buyers

  • Cost Savings: GPL-licensed software is free to use, saving you significant money on licensing fees.
  • Flexibility: You can modify the software to meet your specific needs. This can be particularly beneficial if you need custom functionality.
  • Community Support: GPL software often has a large community of users and developers who contribute to its improvement and provide support.
  • Transparency: Since the source code is available, you can review it to ensure there are no hidden vulnerabilities or malicious code.
  • Future Proofing: You are not dependent on a single vendor for updates and support. If the original developer stops maintaining the software, the community can continue to improve and support it.

Potential Drawbacks of GPL

While the GPL offers many advantages, it is also important to be aware of certain aspects that might be seen as limitations:

  • Compliance Requirements: If you distribute modified versions of GPL software, you must also release the source code of your modifications under the same GPL license. This ensures that the freedoms granted by the GPL are preserved.
  • Support: While community support is a strength, it may not always be as reliable or responsive as commercial support options. However, many GPL-licensed products have robust support options through the community or paid support plans.
  • Learning Curve: For those unfamiliar with open-source software, there may be a learning curve to understand how to modify and customize GPL-licensed products effectively.

Addressing Common Concerns

  • Quality and Reliability: Some buyers worry that free software may not be as reliable as commercial alternatives. However, many GPL-licensed products are developed by experienced professionals and are used by thousands of users worldwide. Their open-source nature means they are continually reviewed and improved by the community.
  • Security: Open-source software can be more secure because its code is available for inspection. Any vulnerabilities can be quickly identified and fixed by the community. This transparency often leads to higher security standards.
  • Control: With GPL software, you have complete control over your website and its functionality. You are not locked into a single vendor and can make changes as needed.

Why We Use GPL at WordPress Toolwaly

At WordPress Toolwaly, we believe in the principles of open-source software. By offering GPL-licensed themes and plugins, we provide our customers with the freedom to customize their websites without the restrictions of proprietary licenses. Our commitment to GPL ensures that you benefit from the collective knowledge and contributions of the global WordPress community.

How to Make the Most of GPL

  • Customize with Confidence: Feel free to modify our themes and plugins to suit your specific needs. You have the freedom to tweak and enhance the code as you see fit.
  • Contribute Back: If you make improvements or add new features, consider sharing them with the community. This not only helps others but also fosters a collaborative environment.
  • Seek Support: Take advantage of community forums, documentation, and support channels available for GPL-licensed products. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you encounter any issues.


The GNU General Public License (GPL) empowers you with the freedom to use, modify, and share software in a way that proprietary licenses do not. While there are certain responsibilities associated with using GPL-licensed products, the benefits far outweigh the potential drawbacks. By choosing GPL-licensed themes and plugins from WordPress Toolwaly, you are investing in a flexible, transparent, and community-driven solution for your WordPress website.

We are here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions about GPL or need assistance with our products, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you for choosing WordPress Toolwaly for your WordPress needs.

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